دايت رمضان:- كثير من الناس تصوم 15 ساعة كاملة ، لكن مع ازان المغرب تبدأ حرب أكليه شنيعة و تناول كمية كبيرة من العصائر، كل ذلك له اثآره السلبية على جسم الانسان. ازاي نخس من 8-10 كيلو:- أولا:وجبة الافطار:- 1تمرة 2 كوب ماء عنصر النشويات ( 8 ملاعق ارز او مكرونة او رغيف عيش بلدي ) عنصر البروتين ( صدر فرخة مشوي او مسلوق بدون جلد او قطعة لحم بدون دهون او 1/4 كيلو سمك مشوي او صينية ) عنصر الفيتامين طبق سلطة كبير ( خيار و خس و جذر و طماطم و فلفل و فجل و كرفس وجرجير ) مع طبق خضار ( كوسة او فاصوليا خضرة و غيره ) اما بعد الافطار يوجد خيارين:- الأول :ايقاف تناول الاكل تماما من بعد الفطار حتى السحور وهو ما يسمى بالصيام المتقطع وهو ما يرفع من نسبة حرق الجسم للدهون و خلال تلك الفترة باستطاعتك تناول مشروبات ساخنة مثل ( ينسون ، نعناع ، حلبة ، قرفة ، جنزبيل ) باستخدام سكر دايت ممنوع استخدام سكر البيت تماما . الثاني: ايقاف تناول الطعام تماما من بعد الفطار حتى الساعة 10 ثم تناول ( 1 برتقال ، 1 خس ، 2 خيار ) او ( 1 تفاح ، 1 خس ، 2 خ...
the late leader:-
- Former Seattle Seahawks quarterback Tarvaris Jackson has died in a one-car crash outside Montgomery, authorities said Monday. He was 36.
- The death of the beloved player came as a result of an accident where his car went out of the way and collided with a tree and then overturned, then Tarvares moved to the hospital , but as a result of his severe injuries Jackson died.
Jackson was hired as quarterbacks coach for Tennessee State last season after a 10-year NFL career with the Seattle Seahawks, Minnesota Vikings and Buffalo Bills.
tarvares Jackson is a former American football quarterback. Born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, Jackson played college football at Arkansas and Alabama State, and in the National Football League (NFL) for the Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks, and Buffalo Bills.
The Vikings selected Jackson in the second round of the 2006 NFL Draft, and Jackson played for the Vikings from 2006 to 2010. A reserve quarterback for much of his time with the Vikings, Jackson was starting quarterback for the 2007 season and part of the 2008 season, after which Jackson started the Vikings' Wild Card playoff game. In 2011, Jackson signed with the Seahawks and was starting quarterback for the 2011 season. Jackson was then traded to the Bills before the 2012 NFL season but never played a game. Jackson returned to the Seahawks in 2013. He was the backup quarterback for Russell Wilson during Super Bowl XLVIII over the Denver Broncos
God have mercy on our respected player
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